Water Balancers


Balance your water to prevent problems

Keeping the right balance in your swimming pool water is important. Balancers control scale, prevent metallic stains, adjust pH and total alkalinity and correct mineral imbalances.

How important is pH really?

Having the correct pH in your pool is crucial to your swimmers’ comfort and also protects your pool equipment and surfaces from corrosion, staining and etching. The ideal pH range is 7.4-7.6. If the pH is too high or too low it can cause those pesky red, itchy eyes!

Increase your total alkalinity, pH or calcium hardness

Balance PAK® 100

  • For raising total alkalinity
  • Prevents pH change
  • Prevents corrosion and vinyl liner wrinkling due to improper pH
  • Dissolves quickly when added directly to water

Balance PAK® 200

  • For raising pH level
  • Protects pool equipment from corrosion, plaster etching and wrinkling of liners due to improper pH
  • Prevents eye irritation due to low pH

Balance PAK® 300

  • For raising calcium hardness levels
  • Dissolves quickly
  • Protects pool equipment from corrosion, plaster etching and wrinkling of liners

Reduce your pH and total alkalinity

Lo ’N Slo®

  • For lowering pH and total alkalinity
  • Quick-dissolving and easy-to-measure
  • Safer to store, transport and handle than liquid muriatic acid

Protect your chlorine from sunlight so you use less

Stabilizer 100

  • Prevents free chlorine residual loss due to sunlight
  • Reduces maintenance costs and chlorinating product consumption
  • Skimmer use for outdoor, chlorinated pools only

Instant Stabilizer 100

  • Easy to apply, quick dissolving liquid
  • Prevents free chlorine residual loss due to sunlight
  • Improves efficiency of chlorine generators

Prevent metal staining and scale build-up

Pool Magnet® Plus

  • Prevents and removes stains from iron, copper and manganese
  • Eliminates discolored water from metals
  • Easy to apply, highly concentrated formula
  • Use in conjunction with Sparkle Up® to remove metals from the water

Scale Inhibitor

  • Protects pool equipment from scale build-up and metal stains
  • Prevents and removes metal stains and scale on pool surfaces
  • Prevents cloudy water due to high calcium level
  • For chlorine- or bromine-treated pools

Need help to determine which products will work for your pool?