Spa Chemicals


Why Do We Offer SpaGuard? – Spa Chemicals

Spa Chemicals – SpaGuard – Our customized spa programs make spa care simple and give you soft, soothing water. What’s more, you can rely on the expertise and knowledge of our SpaGuard dealers to guide you along the way and answer your questions.

  • Spa programs that make spa care simple
  • Chlorine and Bromine Spa Care System
  • Non-Chlorine Soft Soak Spa Care System
  • Algae Killing and Preventative Algaecides
  • Shock to Remove Contaminants
  • Cleaning and Problem Solvers
  • Water Balancers
  • Water Enhancers

Computerized Spa Water Testing

SpaGuard by BioGuard pioneered the idea of computerized spa water analysis. Bring in a water sample from your pool today and we’ll give you a complete, personalized analysis for start-up, closing and maintenance.

Professional Quality Spa Care Products

Need help to determine which products will work for your spa?