Balance your water to prevent problems

Keeping the right balance of your spa water is necessary. Balancers control scale, adjust pH and total alkalinity and correct mineral imbalances.

How important is pH really?

Having the correct pH level in your spa is crucial to your soakers’ comfort and also protects your equipment from corrosion and scale. The ideal pH is 7.2-7.6. If the pH is too high or too low it can cause those pesky red, itchy eyes!


Maintain pH for improved comfort


Spa Sentry®*

  • Introduces a buffering compound, making pH easier to keep in balance
  • One easy step
  • Controls pH for up to two full months

*Spa Sentry® should not be used in spas with plaster finishes or grouting that contains calcium or spas using Soft Soak®.


pH Increaser

  • Raises the pH
  • Protects equipment from corrosion due to low pH
  • Balances water for bather comfort

pH Decreaser

  • Lowers the pH
  • Protects spa and equipment due to improper pH
  • Prevents cloudy water due to high pH
  • Balances water for bather comfort

Total Alkalinity Increaser

  • Eliminates “pH bounce” by balancing total alkalinity
  • Helps to prevent equipment and surface corrosion and damage due to low pH
  • 1 tbsp. per 100 gallons raises total alkalinity 25 ppm

Protect spa and equipment for longer life


Calcium Hardness Increaser

  • Prevents corrosion of equipment
  • Prevents degradation of spa surfaces
  • 1 tbsp. per 100 gallons increases calcium hardness ~25 ppm

Need help to determine which products will work for your spa?