Above Ground Ladders

Above Ground Ladders – Springfield Pool and Spa offers a wide selection above ground pool ladders and steps.

Above ground pool steps and ladders are important pieces to your pool and its safety. We offer a variety of steps and ladders made of different materials for every above ground pool owner’s budget.

There are many different types of materials for pool ladders. The most popular and cost-efficient is the vinyl pool ladder that attaches to your deck or a double sided vinyl pool ladder for above ground pools without a deck. The 5-step stainless steel pool ladder has a classic look that provides great support and a long, useful life. If you have questions regarding above ground pool steps or above ground ladders, call or email our pool professionals at In the Springfield Pool and Spa at 417-883-8827 and we can help you choose the ladder or steps.

Below are just a sample of our best sellers.

Model 7200 (Warm Grey)

Above Ground Ladders Steps

Adjust to fit 48″ to 56″ tall Width: 5″ x 18″
Weight Capacity: 300 lbs

Easy Entry Step (Taupe) 200400T


Adjustable for 48″ to 54″ Features “No swim zone”
Extra wide 36″ treads
Weight Capacity: 300 lbs

Pro Serious Ladder (200300T)


Adjustable Hand Rails
Weight Capacity: 250 lbs

Confer Step (Step-1)


Fits decks up to 60″
Height 47″ Width 31″
Step Dimensions: 10″ x 27″
Weight Capacity: 400 lbs

Model 6000


Fits decks 46″ to 56″
Anti-entrapment barrier Width: 5″ x 16″
Weight Capacity: 300 lbs

Have questions about above ground ladders and steps?